Saturday, July 17, 2010

365 Project - Week Eleven

Week eleven???  Wow!  Some days I think this project is flying by...other days I feel like I'm not going to make it!!  This was kind of an interesting week for me.  I just seem to be falling apart.  My back was really hurting me on Monday and then on Wednesday I ended up leaving work sick!  I still had to take a picture.  Luckily I wasn't so sick that I couldn't even get out of bed (those would be the pictures of my medicine and television from earlier in the project.).  I was able to still get some decent pictures despite feeling so terrible.  :-)

And now...

Week Eleven!

Day 71
Today was kind of an accidental picture.  I really had no idea what I was going to do today.  I thought it would be pretty to take some pictures of the field behind the windmill I took a picture of last week.  When I got there this is what was waiting for me!  I never made it to the actual field but I thought this was pretty good, too.  I'll go back another day.

Day 72
I can't lie.  I really didn't want to go take a picture today.  Sometimes it's hard to come up with ideas.  Luckily I have a lot of pretty flowers in my yard so I can still get a pretty picture on those days.  This is a pretty pink rose in my front flower bed.

Day 73
I hurt my back again!  Because of this I really didn't know what I was going to do about my picture for today.  I asked Twitter for suggestions and was all worried about it for a while.  Then when I got back from lunch someone got a delivery of five dozen roses!  YES!  FIVE DOZEN!  I snapped a quick picture in the lobby before they took them away.  I had to be sneaky because we're not really allowed to take pictures inthe building.  Not the best picture but I got something...and it's kind of pretty!

Day 74
 Well, I had good intentions for this picture.  I saw this pretty butterfly on my lunch break but as soon as I got close enough for a good picture it flew away.  So I did the best I could.  I wanted to get a picture while it was flying.  I think it was just too far away.  I decided to keep it anyway.  :-)

When I got home from work today there was a big, awesome looking lizard on my porch but he scurried away before I could take a picture.  When I went outside later there was a beautiful dragon fly on my porch.  He flew away before I could get a picture.  So, butterfly it is.  I think it looks kind of cool with it flying.  I just wish I could have gotten a closer picture.  Maybe some day. 

Day 75
These dragon flies are all over the place in my yard.  I can never get a picture because they always fly away when I try to get it.  Not today!  I'm so glad!!!  I left work early today because I wasn't feeling well.  I took some backup pictures today on my way to and from work so I would at least have something.  Then I when I got home one of the big hibiscus plants in my flower bed had like 5 blooms so I decided to take a picture of that.  When I got a little closer I saw the dragon fly.  It sat there for about 5 minutes and let me take pictures.  It would fly away every once in a while and come right back.  It was still there when I stopped taking pictures.  I wonder how long he stayed.  :-) 

Day 76
I saw this butterfly on my way back from my lunch break at work today.  It was so nice and let me take a bunch of pictures.  Only a few of them came out good because I was kind of in a hurry.  I'm pretty happy with this one.  :-)

Day 77
This picture almost didn't happen.  I found out late Thursday night that I had to babysit on Friday night.  So I had to get a picture early in the day.  The highway I usually take to work was shut down so I had to take a different way to work.  I was driving on a country road to get to the highway and the sunrise was amazing over the pretty fields.  You could actually see the entire sun behind the clouds from the road but when I pulled over it wasn't in my view.  I took this picture and drove a little further but by that time the sun was too high and bright.  I think this is still a really beautiful picture even thought it isn't exactly what I envisioned...especially since I had no time for a picture today!  :-)


Velma said...

I love the pictures you take! Lots of fun nature ones!!!

AJ said...

Well done once again! The butterfly and roses are my favs. Why did someone get 5 dozen?? Crazy!