Monday, August 15, 2011

Music Monday - Jonathan Larson

It's no secret if you know me that I love musicals...and that my very favorite musical is Rent.  Since Rent is open again off Broadway (I wish I could go!) wrote a piece about Jonathan Larson and Rent in celebration of its return.  The best part of it is that they posted recordings of Jonathan and other artists singing his beautiful songs. 

These are just a few.  To see them all (and you should) you can find the article here.

Let's start with Jonathan singing One Song Glory from Rent.  This is one of my favorite songs from the show. 

This is the recording from the original cast recording.

Here is Jonathan singing La Vie Boheme.

And the original cast again.

It's interesting to hear the things that ended up changing in the final product.

Okay, I'm off to watch Rent and make some plushies for Atown!   I hope you enjoyed my little geek out music monday!  :-)

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