Friday, December 10, 2010

365 Project - Week Thirty-Two

I'm pretty happy with this week's pictures.  I got lots of pretty pictures of the sky (I love to photograph the sky) and a couple of great Austin pictures.  I hope you like them, too.  :-)

Here is week thirty-two...

Day 218
I went to the Christmas tree lighting at the Capitol on Saturday and took a lot of pictures.  I chose this one because it's the tree!  And I love that you can see the capitol building in the background.  This is one of my favorite pictures from the whole project.   

Day 219
 Magda Sayeg from Knitta, Please re-covered the lamp post in front of Domy Books recently so I went over there on Sunday before church to take a picture.  I think this one is even prettier than the first (and that is hard to do).

Day 220
 I thought the sky looked so pretty when I was driving home from work on Monday so I pulled over and took a picture of it.  :-)

Day 221
 The sky was so beautiful Tuesday morning!  I didn't have any time to actually stop and take pictures so I took this one through my windshield sitting at a stop light.  :-)

Day 222
 It's another picture of downtown Austin at sunset.  I just love it so much! It looks so pretty with the reflections of the buildings on the water.

Day 223
These are the lights hanging in the little courtyard in front of the library in Buda.  They didn't photograph as well as I had hoped but I think they look pretty anyway.

Day 224 
 Today was one of those days where I didn't really have time  to take a picture so I took a picture of the first pretty thing I saw. 


Velma said...

I bet you can get some fun christmas light pictures!
I love the Capital! and the sky pics are always awesome of course!!!!

AJ said...

Those flowers are really pretty! Pretty close to the color of 2011 ;)

Cheryl said...

Great pictures.

Christine said...

Wow! I can't believe your are on Day 225 already! Time sure flies...I remember when you first started this. :)

marci said...

Christine - I know! I can't believe it either! It's going fast but then it's going so slow, too. Sometimes I get great pictures and it's really fun and then sometimes it's so stressful because I don't really have time or I can't find anything good to photograph. But, I've gotten this far so I have to finish! :)